

Welcome to my food blog.

I’m a Cajun cook in Cleveland, Ohio documenting my recipes, tips and food photography.

S'mores Martini

S'mores Martini


While the kids enjoy s’mores around the fire, you can enjoy the adult version! With vodka of course. Whipped cream vodka.

If you wanna make the roasted marshmallows indoors, all you need is a hand lighter, or a gas stove top! Just hold the marshmallow on a skewer over a flame and rotate until burned slightly on all slides of the cylinder.

If you can’t find Drambouie at a liquor store, you can use an alternative nectar or sweet scotch. You could also substitute almond milk or oat or even coconut milk for the heavy cream it’s that too rich.



  • 1/4 cup marshmallow fluff

  • 2 crushed graham crackers

  • 1 ½ oz whipped cream vodka

  • 1 ounce Bailey’s Irish cream

  • 1 ounce heavy cream

  • dark chocolate syrup to drizzle in the glass

  • ½ ounce Drambuie

  • Toasted marshmallows


Rim a martini glass in a plate that is covered in the marshmallow fluff. It will warm up on it’s own and get thinner and drip down the glass.

Crush up the graham crackers and lightly push the crumbs into the fluffed rim.

In a shaker, add the whipped cream vodka, bailey’s, heavy cream and drambouie. Shake until cold.

Pour martini into glass without touching the fluff rim, then add a skewered toasted marshmallow to the top.

Strawberry & Rhubarb Gluten Free Galette

Strawberry & Rhubarb Gluten Free Galette

Corn Flaked Vanilla Ice Cream Balls

Corn Flaked Vanilla Ice Cream Balls